Previous post was an accident - I know you say "How is that possible?" believe me it is...and I did it. Today's post shows the finished painting 6"x8" unframed, now available at
New Item at - 6"x8" oil painting "Rosebud"
Plains Sunset
It's been awhile since my last post...crazy, busy summer:)
This is a oil I started a long time ago and just got around to finish it up. I just wanted to paint a simple sunset - no distractions... no mountains, or flowers or fence posts... just a sunset by itself.
Grand Canal
This piece is a small oil painting I did of the Grand Canal in Venice. The work was given, as a gift, to our good friends, Pam and Andy Clower who live in Germany. A thank you present for being our tour guides as we traveled through, Venice, Croatia, Bosnia and Slovenia.
Sunlight on Leaves Revisited
In reference to my previous post "Sunlight on Leaves", I have had a few inquiries If that was the photograph or a picture of my oil painting.
It was a picture of my oil painting, Needless to say I took it as a wonderful compliment. Below I've attached the photo (left) and Oil (right).
Sunlight on Leaves
This is one of my favorite oils. Taken from a photo I took while we were at Coit Tower in San Francisco. A beam of sunlight was streaming through the leaves and brightly highlighted a small section of the hedge.
16" x 20" Sunlight on Leaves
On the Frontage Road to Cascade
Here is a oil painting I am working, taken from a photograph I took of the Missouri river somewhere between Great Falls and Cascade. The quiet subtle beauty of the landscape, with the reflections of the trees in the slow moving Missouri, I thought would make for a wonderful composition for a painting.